AI Resources


Civitai is a website where you can browse and download lots of Stable Diffusion models and embeddings. The model files are all pickle-scanned for safety,

AI Horde

AI Horde is a free, open source, community-powered distributed computing platform for AI image and text generation. It enables anyone to access leading AI models


OpenModelDB is a community-driven database of AI upscaling models that provides an easy way to discover and compare upscaling models. It offers a search engine

Falcon 180B

Falcon 180B is a powerful, open-access AI language model created by TII and trained on 3,500B tokens to advance natural language processing. This massive 180 billion

AI Jobs

AI Jobs is an interactive AI jobs search board and a leading source for AI jobs and careers in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine

OpenAI Whisper

Whisper is an open-source speech recognition tool created by OpenAI. It can transcribe audio in many languages and also translate speech. Whisper can be used

Public Prompts

Public Prompts is a collection of prompts for generating AI images and art. You can use the prompts library to browse through the different style


TensorFlow is a popular end-to-end open source machine learning platform. It provides tools to prepare data, build models, and deploy models in production. Developers are

LM Studio

LM Studio is a free desktop application that provides an easy way to run open-source AI models locally on your device. To get started, simply


Lummi is a collection of over 13,000 AI-generated stock images that can be freely downloaded. The images can be sorted through categories, or you can

Seamless Texture Checker

Seamless Texture Checker is a tool which lets you upload a small texture image and see how it will look when expanded and repeated as

Various AI resources and data which you may find interesting or helpful. Includes things like AI research, open-source models, informational hubs, and more.