AI Resources


AnimateDiff is an extension for Stable Diffusion that lets you create animations from your images, with no fine-tuning required! If you’re using the AUTOMATIC1111 Stable


AUTOMATIC1111 is one of the most popular web interfaces for running Stable Diffusion. It is based on the Gradio library and can be installed fairly

NMKD Stable Diffusion GUI

NMKD Stable Diffusion GUI is a downloadable tool for Windows that allows you to generate AI images using your own GPU. This handy GUI runs

Generated Photos

Generated Photos is a collection of AI-generated model photos. There’s currently over 2 million model photos on the site, they are all copyright free and

AI Horde

AI Horde is a free, open source, community-powered distributed computing platform for AI image and text generation. It enables anyone to access leading AI models


promptoMANIA lets you easily write prompts for generating AI images. It supports all the major AI image generators such as Midjourney, Stable Diffusion and DreamStudio.


DeepNewz is a news platform that generates original stories in real-time using AI. Unlike traditional news aggregators and summarizers, DeepNewz creates its own content from


Lummi is a collection of over 13,000 AI-generated stock images that can be freely downloaded. The images can be sorted through categories, or you can

AI Tools Alternatives Extension

“Alternative AI Tools” is a handy browser extension which provides contextual suggestions whenever you visit an AI-related website, recommending alternative tools tailored to the content


Sidetrain is an online education platform connecting learners with expert coaches in various topics and skills. Sidetrain’s AI tutors offer personalized 1 on 1 sessions


StockAI is a search engine for AI generated stock photos. You can search for the exact type of stock photo you’re looking for, and you

Seamless Texture Checker

Seamless Texture Checker is a tool which lets you upload a small texture image and see how it will look when expanded and repeated as

Various AI resources and data which you may find interesting or helpful. Includes things like AI research, open-source models, informational hubs, and more.