Free AI Audio Tools

Voice AI

Voice AI is a voice changer tool that also offers a voice cloning feature. It is aimed towards content creators and gamers, and can be

Stable Audio

Stable Audio is a free AI audio generator from Stability AI that generates original music and sound effects. Simply describe the type of music you


Audiogen is a free and easy to access AI audio effects generator. Just type what you want to hear and the AI will generate four


Beatoven is an AI music generator that can create unique, royalty-free music for your videos and podcasts. The simple interface lets you choose from 8


Musicfy is an AI voice and music tool that lets you easily create music using your own voice. It converts your vocals into an AI

Melody ML

Melody ML lets you easily separate audio tracks using Machine Learning for free. Automatically isolate vocals and generate stems to remix songs with. This is a


Strofe allows users to easily create music using artificial intelligence technology. Whether you’re looking to add music to your video game, Twitch stream, YouTube video,


CassetteAI is an AI-powered music creation tool that makes music production accessible to everyone. Using Latent Diffusion models, it enables musicians and producers to create


Bark is an open-source text-to-audio generator that can create realistic sounding speech, music, and sound effects from text prompts. It supports multiple languages and can


AI|Coustics lets you enhance speech from your recordings, social media content, voice notes, podcasts, lectures, and more to studio quality. The tool is free to

Moises: The Musician’s App

Moises is an AI-powered music app that helps musicians practice, create, and remix songs. Its main features include vocal removal to isolate instruments, custom tempo/pitch


MusicFX is Google’s AI-powered music generation tool that allows you to create instrumental music tracks with just a simple text prompt. Simply type in a

A collection of free AI audio tools which can be used to create and enhance existing audio. Includes tools to generate all types of audio and music as well as AI text-to-speech platforms.