Free AI Audio Tools


Melobytes is a suite of AI tools for generating music and sound. There are a ton of different features which can help musicians gain inspiration,


Riffusion lets you generate audio from a single text prompt. The tool is implementing the popular image generator Stable Diffusion, however it’s been modified to

Magenta Studio

Magenta Studio is a collection of music plugins built on Magenta’s open source tools and models. They use cutting-edge machine learning techniques for music generation.


Muzify is a fun tool which lets you create AI-generated Spotify playlists for your favorite books and novels. Each playlist is custom-tailored to complement the

BandLab SongStarter

SongStarter is an AI-powered idea generator for creating new music. It offers three unique musical ideas with the option to specify a lyric or even

Melody ML

Melody ML lets you easily separate audio tracks using Machine Learning for free. Automatically isolate vocals and generate stems to remix songs with. This is a

Fineshare Singify

Fineshare Singify is a free online AI song cover generator. Whether you are a music lover or a creator, you can easily turn your favorite

BandLab Mastering

BandLab Mastering is a free online tool that offers instant audio mastering for musicians and producers. This free service lets you upload your tracks and


MIDIGEN is a free AI MIDI generator that allows you to easily generate short MIDI melodies and audio bytes. This tool can generate original melodies

Splash Pro

Splash Pro is an AI music generator that lets you create songs and music from all sorts of genres. Using the web interface, you can


CassetteAI is an AI-powered music creation tool that makes music production accessible to everyone. Using Latent Diffusion models, it enables musicians and producers to create

Evoke Music

Evoke Music is an AI-powered, royalty-free music library with over 60,000 tracks and sound effects for content creators. It supports all social media platforms and

A collection of free AI audio tools which can be used to create and enhance existing audio. Includes tools to generate all types of audio and music as well as AI text-to-speech platforms.