Featured Listing - 7 Days (Homepage)

Are you looking to get even more eyes on your product? Our featured placements offer just that – your tool/product will be featured at the top of the Easy With AI homepage for maximum exposure! 

As well as appearing on the homepage, we offer a number of different benefits which can help make your tool listing stand out from the rest, including search priority, newsletter features, direct linking, and more. Featured listings are currently priced at $299 and last for 7 days. You can choose to renew your featured listing at any time by completing your purchase again.

Perks & Benefits

Featured listings appear at the very top of the homepage, above all other tools. Even when a user performs a search on the homepage, your featured listing will remain visible. We offer a maximum of two featured placements at any given time, so your featured listing will only ever compete with a maximum of one other tool/product. 

You can view the image below to see exactly where featured placements appear (highlighted in red).

This featured listing package includes a free standard listing (originally priced at $79.99).

When a visitor clicks on your featured listing, you may choose to have them redirected directly to your website or to your tools listing page on Easy With AI.

When a visitor makes a search for keywords relating to your tool, we’ll make sure your tool is shown right at the top! This can be extremely helpful if your tool has a lot of competitors which offer similar features.

Please note that this does not apply to NSFW tools as they are excluded from our search.

Your tool/product will be featured in our weekly AI newsletter which goes out every Thursday at 6PM GMT.

Newsletter Statistics

Subscribers – 1,700

Open rate – 27%

Click rate – 7%

Please note that NSFW tools may be excluded from our newsletter.

Visitors often find our website through Google and other search engines, the common traffic flow looks like this: 

Visitor views tool listing -> Checks homepage -> Sees your featured listing!

We cannot guarantee clicks or sales. However, featured listings usually receive an average of 500 clicks throughout the week.

Days Until Next Available Slot


Common questions about featured listings

Our featured listings currently cost $299 and last for 7 days.

We will usually review your featured listing within 24 hours of payment. You should then receive an email with your scheduled featured listing date.

The date at which your featured listing goes live will vary depending on how many featured tools are in the queue. We serve featured listings on a first-come, first-served basis. On average, most featured listings will go live within 1-2 weeks. If there is an unusually long wait time and you are not prepared to wait, you can ask for a full refund on your featured listing. We will strive to get your featured listing live as soon as possible!

Happy with the results? You can choose to renew your featured listing at any time! Just send an email to [email protected] and complete the payment form again to extend your featured listing for a further 7 days. If you’re interested in an even longer placement, just drop us an email.

Please note that extending your featured listing does not change your queue position, therefore, you may have to wait until the next available date for your featured listing to be displayed again. We serve all featured listings on a first-come, first-served basis.

We add a UTM source parameter to your featured listing link so that you can easily track how many clicks your listing receives. The UTM source parameter is “easywithai” and can be used with Google Analytics and most other traffic analysis tools.

If you don’t have analytics setup on your site, we can also give you a traffic summary at the end of your featured listing duration – just send us an email at [email protected] asking for a traffic summary.

We manually review every tool that is submitted for a featured listing. If your tool isn’t approved for any reason, you will receive a full refund on your featured listing fee. Common reasons for a tool not being approved can be because it doesn’t use AI or has malicious intent. Please make sure to include your tools URL when paying for a featured listing.

We do allow NSFW tools, but we have a very strict sexual content policy. If your tool is NSFW, we cannot show any sexual or explicit content; this includes images, language, and any other sort of media. If your tool’s name contains a sexually suggestive word or content, we will have to censor it or it may not appear on the site.

Please note that NSFW tools are excluded from the homepage search – they are still visible through categories, however.

No, we cannot guarantee that listing your AI tool on Easy With AI will give you sales or traffic. Based on our traffic stats, it is likely that you will receive some clicks to your tool/website. As our website grows, so does your chance for exposure!

Tools we have featured previously often receive an average of 500 clicks throughout the week. Many factors can increase your chance of visits, such as having a unique image, use case, and good keywords. When we list your tool, we take all of this into account and will strive to get you the best exposure possible.

Since mobile screen sizes give us limited space to work with, we can only show one featured listing at a time. We will make sure to rotate the featured listings each day to ensure that you still get visibility to our mobile visitors.