AI Coding Tools


Codeium is an AI coding tool that helps developers make changes in unfamiliar languages or codebases by allowing them to type out comments in natural

McAnswers AI

McAnswers is an AI coding chatbot that can provide you with refined, detailed responses to coding questions thanks to its complete prompt library. The tool

Onboard AI

Onboard AI allows you to quickly understand and navigate through new codebases found on GitHub with the help of AI. After cloning a GitHub repository,

GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI coding assistant that suggests code in real-time as you write in your preferred editor. It uses the OpenAI Codex and

Amazon CodeWhisperer

Amazon CodeWhisperer is an ML-powered AI coding assistant that helps developers build applications faster by providing real-time code recommendations in their integrated development environment (IDE).

Noodl AI

Noodl AI is a no-code platform that utilizes AI technology to automate and simplify app development. With its user-friendly visual interface, Noodl empowers users to

Swimm AI

Swimm AI is a handy code documentation tool that uses AI to simplify the process of creating and organizing documentation for your code or app.

GitLab Code Suggestions

GitLab’s Code Suggestions is an AI tool that helps developers code faster and more efficiently. It can suggest complete lines of code, functions, tests, and is an AI code documentation tool that automatically generates high-quality code documentation, API documentation, code comments, UML diagrams, and test suites directly from your


BashSenpai brings the power of ChatGPT to your terminal, acting as your reliable coding companion right in the command line. It transforms your instructions into


GPT-Engineer is an open-source agent that can help with code building. Simply describe what you want to build and the AI will ask clarifying questions


Docuo is an AI-powered documentation platform that can help you build modern self-service docs sites for your customers and internal users. It can effortlessly transforms

These AI tools can be used by coders to improve their workflow and for problem solving. With the recent advancements to AI generated text and writing assistants, you can now find many tools which offer great code generation and modification.