Large Language Models


ChatGLM-6B is an open-source, bilingual conversational AI LLM based on the General Language Model (GLM) framework. It has 6.2 billion parameters and can be deployed


Ollama is a software package that offers an easy way to run large language models locally on your computer. It has versions available for MacOS,

Falcon 180B

Falcon 180B is a powerful, open-access AI language model created by TII and trained on 3,500B tokens to advance natural language processing. This massive 180 billion


Vicuna is an open-source chatbot trained on user-shared conversations from ShareGPT, and it can be run locally on your machine using CPU or GPU. It

Code Llama

Code Llama is a suite of large language models released by Meta AI for generating and enhancing code. It includes foundation models for general coding,


Codestral is a powerful 22B parameter AI model from Mistral AI. This open-weight model is designed specifically for code generation across over 80 programming languages


Infermatic offers developers and researchers seamless access to leading large language models through a unified platform. Its user-friendly design makes AI experimentation easy for anyone


WizardLM is a family of large language models that have been trained to follow complex instructions across domains like general conversation, coding, and math. The


Giskard is an open-source AI model quality testing tool that helps data scientists and engineers build safer, more reliable AI systems. The platform was built

Athina AI

Athina is a powerful monitoring and evaluation platform designed for companies deploying large language models (LLMs) in production environments. Its main use case is to


Fuyu-8B is a small multimodal AI model developed by Adept that understands both images and text. It has a simpler architecture than other models, making

Stable Beluga 2

Stable Beluga 2 is a new open-source LLM developed by Stability AI and is based off of the LLamA-2 model by Meta AI with 70

A collection of large language models (LLMs) that can be used for advanced natural language applications. Discover leading LLMs from organizations like Google, Meta, and more.