AI Meeting Assistants


Supermanage helps managers and teams prepare for exceptional 1-on-1s. The AI magically distills your team’s public Slack channels into a real-time brief on any employee, is an AI meeting assistant that transforms all your conversations on Zoom and Google Meet into real-time transcripts. With 1-click highlights, you can take


timeOS is an AI-powered assistant that can join your meetings and take notes for you. It integrates with most calendar and video conferencing apps like


Goodmeetings is an AI-enabled video meeting assistant designed specifically for sales demos and improving revenue. It provides valuable customer intelligence, with features such as questionnaires,


tl;dv transcribes, summarizes, and automatically marks key moments in your calls. You can also create highlight snippets out of AI summaries within seconds after your is an AI meeting assistant designed to work like a dev teams scrum master. It joins your meetings, summarizes key discussions and decisions, and


Fathom is a free AI Zoom assistant that can take notes from calls in real-time. It supports seven languages and provides fully transcribed recordings with is the ultimate AI meeting assistant that transforms the way you take notes and conduct meetings. With its advanced features, automatically records audio,

Sembly AI

Sembly is an AI meeting assistant that records, transcribes, and generates smart meeting summaries for you. It works with various video conferencing platforms, including Zoom,

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a unified collaboration and communication platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration. It is designed to

Make your meetings count with these AI meeting assistants. These tools allow you to record, transcribe, and analyze your meetings to improve productivity and free up time for you or your team.