AI Coding Tools


Cursor is an AI-powered code editor based on VSCode. Some of its key features include a real-time chat with on-demand answers about your codebase, automatic


Tabnine is an AI coding assistant that can complete lines of code based on context and syntax. It helps developers write high-quality, consistent code faster

Onboard AI

Onboard AI allows you to quickly understand and navigate through new codebases found on GitHub with the help of AI. After cloning a GitHub repository,

Caktus AI

Caktus AI is an AI-powered learning platform developed for both students and teachers alike. The platform includes useful tools such as an essay writer, personal


OverflowAI is a new set of AI-powered products and features being added to Stack Overflow’s public platform and Stack Overflow for Teams. The goal is

Blackbox AI

Blackbox is an AI-powered coding assistant that helps developers code faster and better. It can provide intelligent code completion, error detection, and automated documentation to


Safurai is an AI coding assistant that provides solutions and suggestions for coding, debugging, and refactoring to improve workflow and code quality. Its features include

Airplane Autopilot

Airplane Autopilot is an AI coding assistant that helps developers build internal tools faster. It acts like a pair programmer, generating code, explaining concepts, and

OpenAI Codex

OpenAI Codex is a model available on OpenAI’s playground to help users write code. It is descended from GPT-3 and is more fine-tuned for coding


Phind is an AI-powered search engine and chatbot that provides instant answers to questions instead of having to dig through hours of search results. It


Neverinstall AI is a personal AI computer assistant based in the cloud. It can perform a number of tasks and can instantly download and install


Second is an AI-powered tool that automates code migrations for developers. It can migrate codebases between frameworks like AngularJS to React, upgrade Next.js versions, convert

These AI tools can be used by coders to improve their workflow and for problem solving. With the recent advancements to AI generated text and writing assistants, you can now find many tools which offer great code generation and modification.