AI Resources


promptoMANIA lets you easily write prompts for generating AI images. It supports all the major AI image generators such as Midjourney, Stable Diffusion and DreamStudio.

AI Jobs

AI Jobs is an interactive AI jobs search board and a leading source for AI jobs and careers in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine

Hugging Face

Hugging Face is one of the largest repositories for generative AI models and provides a safe platform for building, training, and deploying your own AI


SD.Next is a web interface solution for Stable Diffusion that offers optimized processing with the latest torch developments and built-in support for torch.compile. The interface


AUTOMATIC1111 is one of the most popular web interfaces for running Stable Diffusion. It is based on the Gradio library and can be installed fairly


TensorFlow is a popular end-to-end open source machine learning platform. It provides tools to prepare data, build models, and deploy models in production. Developers are


Pinokio is an open-source AI browser that lets you easily install, run, and automate any AI applications, models, and workflows with one-click scripts. It basically

Stable Beluga 2

Stable Beluga 2 is a new open-source LLM developed by Stability AI and is based off of the LLamA-2 model by Meta AI with 70

AI Jobs Board

AI Jobs Board lets you easily search thousands of AI job listings for roles like Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, and AI Researchers. Whether you’re


Lexica is a stable diffusion search engine for AI-generated images. If you don’t feel like generating your own this can be a neat way to


Freeflo offers a regularly updated library of free image prompts and styles that can be used in your favorite image generators like Midjourney and Stable

Various AI resources and data which you may find interesting or helpful. Includes things like AI research, open-source models, informational hubs, and more.