AI Agents


HARPA AI is an AI agent in the form of a Chrome extension. With HARPA, you’re able to integrate ChatGPT to Google Search, automate websites,


Godmode is an online tool which lets you explore the potential of autonomous AI agents like Auto-GPT and BabyAGI. To use the tool, you simply


CrewAI is an AI agent library from Replit that makes it easy to build and coordinate groups of specialized AI agents and assistants. It uses


MindOS: Your AI for everyday tasks, personalised and automated. MindOS provides a Personal AI that is solely yours, trained with your own data and personalized

Cheat Layer

Cheat Layer is a no-code business automation platform that solves complex automations using a custom-trained GPT-4 machine learning model. Rather than wait for someone to


GPTConsole is an AI-powered developer tool that allows you to build web and mobile apps through natural language commands. Its autonomous agents like Pixie can lets you build your own AI agents – no coding required! Forget lengthy development cycles and expensive machine learning teams. With you can


OpenAI’s new GPTs feature lets you customize ChatGPT for your needs. ChatGPT Plus members can now create tailored AI assistants that can combine instructions and


GPT-Engineer is an open-source agent that can help with code building. Simply describe what you want to build and the AI will ask clarifying questions


BabyAGI is an AI-powered agent that uses OpenAI and vector databases like Chroma and Weaviate to perform tasks. It simplifies task creation, prioritization, and execution enables the creation of human-like AI voice assistants easily and without the need for coding. These AI agents are capable of performing tasks such

B2B Rocket

B2B Rocket is an AI-powered sales automation tool that helps businesses book more revenue. It provides customized AI agents that connect with leads using natural

Platforms & tools for autonomous AI agents. AI agents can automate repetitive tasks, create software, code, develop, and more.